Learn Quran Online

Learn Quran online with Tajweed anywhere, anytime at your own time at your own pace. Get hundreds of instructors live.

Welcome to Quraniah, your online gateway to the Quran’s powerful teachings. Our platform enables students of all ages to Learn to Read Quran Online, breaking geographical boundaries and making learning more accessible.

With Quraniah, you can book online Quran teachers for yourself or your kids. Our teachers are highly qualified with degrees from prestigious Islamic universities. Here is what you have to do; sign up, select a tutor and a plan, set up your class timings and begin learning.

Learn Quran Online with Quraniah’s Experienced Tutors

Qualified Tutors

At Quraniah, we are backed by a team of highly qualified tutors with extensive knowledge of the Quran and its teachings. They have years of experience in imparting Quranic wisdom to students online.

Interactive Learning

Our online tutors leverage the best of technology to make lessons interactive and engaging, catering to different learning styles and making it easier for you to Learn to Read Quran Online.

Strengthen Your Quran Reading Skills

Reading Skills

Our structured lessons help students strengthen their Quran reading skills, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the holy scripture.

Personalized Feedback

Our tutors provide personalized feedback to ensure you continually progress in your Quranic learning journey, improving your reading and understanding with each session.

Experience Convenience and Quality with Quraniah’s Online Quran Learning Platform

Anywhere, Anytime Learning

Quraniah offers the ultimate convenience in Quran learning. With our platform, you can Learn to Read Quran Online from anywhere and at any time, allowing you to fit learning into your unique schedule.

High-Quality Materials

We provide high-quality learning materials that align with the principles of Quranic teaching, ensuring your online learning experience is of the highest standard.

Harness the Power of Online Learning with Quraniah

Advanced Technology

Our platform leverages advanced technologies to provide an interactive, user-friendly learning experience. Our online classes are designed to make the learning process seamless and enjoyable.

Customizable Learning Paths

With Quraniah, you can customize your learning path based on your specific needs and goals, allowing you to learn at your own pace and make the most of your Quran learning journey.

Unlock the Quran’s Secrets with Quraniah Online Quran Learning Platform

Profound Understanding

Quraniah encourages students to delve deeper into the Quran’s teachings, uncovering the profound wisdom and secrets it holds. We strive to bring the Quran’s message to life, creating a transformative learning experience.

Interpretation Skills

We provide guidance on interpretation and understanding of Quranic verses. Our tutors ensure that learners not only learn to read the Quran, but also understand its teachings, helping to apply them in everyday life.

Quraniah: An Innovative Way to Learn Quran Online

Innovation in Learning

Quraniah brings an innovative approach to learning the Quran online. Our platform uses interactive tools and cutting-edge teaching methodologies to make learning enjoyable, efficient, and effective.

Easy Navigation

With a user-friendly interface and easy navigation, Quraniah offers an intuitive learning experience. This makes it simple for students to access lessons, track progress, and communicate with tutors.

Experienced, Qualified and Adaptive Quran Tutors at Quraniah Learning Platform

You have come to the right place if you are in search of competent online Quran tutors with proper credentials to teach Tajweed, Tilawah and Tahfeez.

It is important to lay a solid foundation of Tajweed when you are just starting on the spiritual journey of learning the Quran.

Learn Quran Online with Tajweed

Quraniah offers structured learning that makes Quran recitation and memorization much easier.

Develop firm understanding of the Tajweed Basics. Learn Quran Online with Tajweed right from the very beginning.

Learning modules include Quran Pronounciation (Tajweed), Quran Recitation (Tila’wah), Quran Memorization (Tahfeez) and Quranic Arabic. Likewise, the Quran learning modules are reviewed and updated regularly to make sure you have the most fun and great learning experience.

The core concepts of Tajweed are taught in a simplified manner along with practical application. Expect simple yet effective way of learning Quran.

Quraniah: An Innovative Way to Learn Quran Online

Live Classroom with One-on-one Video Conferencing
The one-on-one private classroom experience delivers personal interaction between the Online Quran teacher and your kid.

In addition, our online learning platform encourages you to ask questions directly to the tutors that you may normally not ask if in a regular classroom.

The course gives you flexibility to learn at your own pace. In other words, you can learn Quran online with Tajweed from anywhere and study anytime by booking online Quran tutors.

Accompanied by a dedicated teacher, online Quran learning course is designed based on your learning capability.

Quraniah: Immerse Yourself in the Quran from Home

Home-Based Learning

With Quraniah, you can learn to read the Quran from the comfort of your home. This allows for a flexible learning environment, where students can learn at their own pace without any pressure.

Personalized Learning Environment

We offer a personalized learning environment that caters to the individual needs of each student. This allows for a more focused and efficient learning process.

Quraniah: Learn Quran Online Anywhere, Anytime

Accessible Learning

At Quraniah, learning isn’t bound by time or location. You can Learn to Read Quran Online from anywhere in the world, and at any time that suits your schedule, making Quranic learning more accessible than ever.

Mobile Learning

Our platform is mobile-friendly, meaning you can continue your learning on-the-go. Whether you’re on a break or traveling, your Quran lessons are always just a few taps away.

Choose Your Mode of Quran Learning

Part-time And Full-time Online Quran Learning Classes
Choose between part-time or full-time Quran learning sessions. Easy to use and intuitive interface will help you learn Quran online with much ease.

Learn Quran Online with Tajweed with convenience from home, office or any other place. Our Interactive learning courses are tailored to help you become a confident companion of the Quran. So, what makes you think twice?

Quraniah gives you the right approach, learning pathway and dedicated learning plan to learn Quran online with Tajweed more effectively. Book Online Quran Tutors today and start learning Quran.

Experience our Quran Learning Platform

Choose Between Male Or Female Teachers For You And Your Family
We have the most qualified and professional Quranic teachers. Our dedicated Quran tutors come from some of the top Islamic universities in the world.

Learn real Quranic Tajweed Online by understanding linguistic methodology and basic fundamental rules behind them. Above all, gain true Tajweed skills which can easily be applied during Quranic recitation.

Moreover, meet online Quraniah Teachers who are Certified Ijazah holders and start your journey of Quran learning today. Register Now!

Join Quraniah To Get Started On This Spiritual Journey

Online education has become the new norm now, and we invite you to join our Quran recitation and learning classes. Reading the Quran is essential for every Muslim and we aim to make it easier for you to do by joining our course.

With a group of qualified and experienced online Quran tutors and enthusiastic fellow students in your virtual classroom, you will learn Quran online with Tajweed authentically with proper Tilawah and understanding of the Arabic words!

Why Should You Join Our Online Quran Learning Course?​

Because this course caters to learners of different levels, offers flexible class timing and the following features:

• Qualified Teachers • Self-paced • Memorization Classes • Recitation Lessons • Structured approach • Regular Quizzes

Reasons Why Quraniah Is The Ideal Platform To Learn Quran Online

Join Quraniah for learning Quran online with Tajweed because we are committed to providing you with the highest quality Islamic education.

Our mission is to engage Muslims in the Quran and teach you to read it properly.

Here are a few more reasons why Quraniah should be your top choice for online Quran classes:

Higher value for money
We keep a track of your classes and conduct tests to mark your progress. The completion certificates we offer hold value because it is a representation of your hard work and superior knowledge.

Superior Quality Content
Our modules are meticulously designed by Online Quran tutors who have 25+ years of experience. We offer many interactive lessons suitable for kids and adults.

Engaging and Challenging
We have designed our online Quran learning course to be cognitively challenging, keeping the learners engaged throughout.

Read the Quran

Prophet (SAW) said that: “Read the Quran, for verily it will come on the Day of Standing as an intercessor for its companions.”(Sahih Muslim)

Narrated `Uthman: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Recite And Rise

At-Tirmidhi (2914) and Abu Dawood (1464) narrated that ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an: ‘Read, and ascend, and recite as you used to recite in the [previous] world, for your status will be according to the last verse that you recite.’”

The Comprehensive Program of Quraniah’s Learn Quran Online Services

In-Depth Course Coverage

At Quraniah, our online Quran courses cover all aspects of Quranic studies, from basic Arabic reading skills to advanced tajweed rules. This holistic approach ensures a deep and comprehensive understanding of the Quran.

Structured Learning

Our learning curriculum is structured and organized into different modules for ease of learning. Each module builds upon the previous one, thereby enabling progressive learning.

Periodic Assessments

Periodic assessments are a crucial part of our online Quran learning program. They help gauge your understanding, provide feedback on your progress, and guide your future learning path.

Exploring Different Quran Learning Resources

Diverse Learning Materials

We provide a variety of learning materials such as e-books, video tutorials, and interactive quizzes, catering to different learning styles and preferences.

Supplemental Resources

Aside from the main course materials, Quraniah also offers supplemental resources for extended learning, including tafsir literature, hadith collections, and Arabic language resources.

Resource Accessibility

All our learning resources are available online and can be accessed anytime. This ensures that you can study and revise according to your convenience.

Why Can’t I Read The Quran In My Native-Tongue?

Translations are great to understand the meanings of verses but it is not a substitute for recitation.

If you don’t know Arabic and want to understand the divine words and instructions, then you can read the Quran in English or another language. But you cannot recite it in any other language but Arabic.

Certain words in the Quran lose their true meaning when translated into a different language that has a smaller vocabulary than Arabic.

The Quran you recite in your daily five prayers has to be in Arabic as well. That’s why learning to read the Quran with proper Tajweed and phonation rules is essential.

Exploring the Features of Quraniah Services for Online Quran Learning

User-Friendly Interface

Quraniah’s platform is designed with a user-friendly interface that makes navigation easy and smooth, allowing students to focus on their learning.

Real-Time Progress Tracking

Our platform features a real-time progress tracking system. This feature allows you to monitor your learning journey, understand your strengths, and identify areas that need improvement.

Customizable Learning Environment

With Quraniah, you can customize your learning environment according to your preferences. This includes adjusting the speed of lessons, choosing the mode of learning, and selecting the timing of classes.

Connecting with a Professional Teacher through Quraniah Online Quran Learning Services

Qualified and Experienced Teachers

Our teachers are highly qualified and experienced in teaching Quran online. They are dedicated to providing quality education and facilitating a productive learning environment.

One-On-One Learning Sessions

Quraniah provides the opportunity to connect with a professional teacher through one-on-one learning sessions. These personalized sessions ensure that all your learning needs are met effectively.

Feedback and Support

Our teachers provide constructive feedback to help you improve. They are also available to provide support and answer any queries you may have throughout your learning journey.

Learn Quran Online at Quraniah

Reading Quran in a way that you can understand its meaning and pronounce the words correctly is a major achievement for a Muslim. But the path to get there can be difficult if you don’t have proper guidance. Join Quraniah’s classes to learn Quran online with Tajweed in the right way by booking online Quran tutors. Build a strong foundation so you can read with confidence every day and grow your Eman.</span>

Quraniah: Learn to Read the Quran Online Quickly and Easily

Fast-Track Learning

Our online platform enables students to progress at their own pace, providing resources and guidance to quickly enhance their Quran reading skills. You will see significant improvement in your reading abilities in a short span of time.

Simplified Learning

We use a simplified and structured approach that breaks down complex Quranic concepts, making it easier for students to grasp the Quran’s teachings and read its verses with ease.

Quraniah: The Ultimate Resource for Learning Quran Online

Resourceful Learning

Quraniah is an abundant resource for Quranic learning, offering a wealth of materials, lessons, and tutorials. These resources support a comprehensive understanding of the Quran, making us the ultimate platform to Learn to Read Quran Online.

Continual Support

We offer continual support to our students, assisting them in overcoming any learning challenges they may face. Our tutors are always ready to help, ensuring a smooth and fulfilling learning experience.

Leveraging the Resources of Quraniah Services for Online Quran Learning

Comprehensive Learning Materials

Quraniah provides comprehensive learning materials, including digital Quran, tafsir, Hadith, and more. These resources are available to students anytime, making learning more accessible.

Interactive Learning Tools

We offer various interactive learning tools, such as quizzes, flashcards, and videos, to enrich your learning experience and make Quran learning engaging and enjoyable.

Personal Learning Dashboard

Quraniah’s personalized learning dashboard allows you to track your progress, revisit past lessons, and plan your future learning, making the most of our rich resources.

Strengthening Your Faith with Quraniah Services for Online Quran Learning

Deepen Understanding of Islam

Through Quraniah’s services, you can deepen your understanding of Islam. As you learn Quran online, you will gain insights into the principles, values, and teachings of Islam, thereby strengthening your faith.

Apply Quranic Teachings in Life

Our curriculum not only focuses on reading and understanding the Quran but also encourages applying its teachings in daily life. This application will help you embody the virtues of Islam, further strengthening your faith.

Inspiring Community

Being part of Quraniah’s online community offers opportunities for inspiration and mutual encouragement in faith. Sharing the journey of learning Quran online with others fosters a sense of unity and connection within the faith community.

Pricing to suit your needs

Personalized Family Discounts

Quraniah provides opportunity for every family with limitless hours of Quran Learning.

Subscribe to Quraniah now and start improving your Quran reading skills by booking online Quran tutors!

Learn Quran

How Quraniah Can Help You Learn Quran Online with Confidence

Building Confidence

Quraniah aims to build confidence in Quran reading. Our tutors offer constructive feedback and motivation, fostering self-assurance in students as they progress in their Quranic learning journey.

Practice Opportunities

Our platform provides ample opportunities for practice, allowing you to refine your Quran reading skills and read with greater fluency and confidence over time.

The Benefits of Learning Quran Online with Quraniah

Flexible Learning

Learning to Read Quran Online with Quraniah offers the benefit of flexibility. You can choose your learning schedule, pace, and even your tutors, allowing you to learn in a manner that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

Effective Learning

Quraniah’s online platform fosters effective learning. The blend of quality resources, skilled tutors, and interactive learning techniques makes the learning process more engaging and productive, leading to better outcomes.

Learn Quran Online at our specialized Quran learning platform – Quraniah

Why Should You Learn the Quran Online?

You might not have access to qualified Quran tutors based on where you live, but with Quraniah’s online Quran learning course you can. Technology has come a long way and now you can have highly interactive online practical sessions in real-time and gain a deeper understanding of the Quran.

Learning the Quran online reduces the need to physically travel to classes. This makes it much easier for you to attend classes at your convenience and still get all the benefits of learning the Quran in a structured way from experienced teachers.

Benefits of Our Quran Classes

You can choose between different time slots for your Quran classes with Quraniah. Some other benefits of this course include:

  1. Recitation from beginner level
  2. Qualified Tutors
  3. Audio recordings of various Qaris
  4. Regular recitation sessions with your Tutor
  5. Periodic Revisions to keep you on track
  6. Easily accessible because the classes are online

The Rewards for Muslims who Learn to Read Quran

Since the Quran is the Book of Allah, anyone who learns to read it is promised a high reward in the hereafter. In a Sahih Al- Bukhari hadith Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said [paraphrased here] that the best amongst the Muslims are those who learn and teach the Quran.

In another hadith quoted in Jami al-Tirmidhi Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said [paraphrased here] that for every letter of Quran that a Muslim recites Allah (SWT) will multiply it by ten times.

There are countless other occasions and Ahadith where the importance of reading and learning the Quran is described in similar ways. You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to gain rewards.

Few of the features our program has to offer include

You can learn Quran online with Tajweed in a structured way with easy instructions with Quraniah. Not only do we have qualified tutors with degrees from the Jamia Islamia Al Madinah al Munawwarah but our lessons are interactive and the curriculum is designed for busy individuals like you. Here are a few more reasons you should join the Quraniah Quran Academy:

1. Flexible Scheduling

A great struggle for Muslims when it comes to attending classes for the Quran is scheduling, because this timing may clash with your work or school. That’s why we offer flexible schedules so you can decide which sessions you want to join. And book online Quran tutors accordingly as per your schedule.

2. From the Noorani Qaida to Advance Level Reciter

Our Quran learning course is extensive. If you are a beginner starting with the Noorani Qaida then you will be a fluent Quran reciter by the time you complete the course Inshallah.

3. Tilawah Module

We offer specialized Tilawah modules where you will learn to recite the Quran with exceptional Tajweed like your favourite Qari

4. Memorization Classes

In this Quran course, you will also memorize some portions of the Quran. After covering all the Arabic letter basics and the Tajweed introduction you will memorize beginning with the smaller surah from the 30th Juz of the Quran. That way you can recite the Quran more frequently and get better at reading it as well.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Learning to read the Quran is a basic requirement of Islam. Book online quran tutors right away!

Frequently Asked Questions About Quraniah's Online Quran Learning

What Services Does Quraniah Offer For Learning To Read The Quran Online?

Quraniah offers a comprehensive online Quran learning platform. Services include interactive lessons with experienced tutors, resources for self-study, flexible learning schedules, and a user-friendly platform that you can access from anywhere at any time.

How Does Quraniah's Platform Make It Easy To Learn To Read The Quran Online?

Quraniah uses an innovative approach to learning, leveraging technology to create engaging and interactive lessons. Our lessons are structured to gradually improve your Quran reading skills, and our experienced tutors provide personalized feedback to ensure your continual progress.

Can I Learn To Read The Quran Online With Quraniah Regardless Of My Location?

Absolutely! Quraniah's platform is accessible from anywhere in the world. As long as you have a reliable internet connection, you can learn to read the Quran online at your convenience.

Is Quraniah's 'Learn To Read Quran Online' Service Suitable For Both Kids And Adults?

Yes, Quraniah's services are designed for all ages. Our tutors are skilled at teaching students of different age groups, and our platform offers resources suitable for both kids and adults.

How Quickly Can I Expect To See Progress With Quraniah's Online Quran Learning Platform?

Quraniah's platform is designed for efficient learning, and most students see significant improvement in their Quran reading abilities within a few weeks. However, the speed of progress can vary depending on individual commitment and the amount of practice put in.

Can I Customize My Learning Path With Quraniah?

Absolutely! Quraniah allows you to customize your learning path based on your specific needs and goals. You can choose your learning schedule, pace, and even your tutors, ensuring a personalized learning experience.

How Does Quraniah Ensure The Quality Of Its Online Quran Learning Services?

Quraniah maintains a high standard of quality through our experienced tutors, high-quality learning materials, advanced technology, and continual support to our students. We strive to provide the best online Quran learning experience possible.

Are These Online Quran Learning Classes Practical Or In Lecture Format?

These classes are practical sessions that you will have with a tutor during an online live classroom. There will also be some lectures delivered via screen sharing. But the recitations, tests and other classroom meetings are interactive sessions.

Do I Need Any Study Material In Addition To My Quran?

There are no hard copy books or study material that you need in addition to the Quran. You need a Noorani Qaida and other guides to learn the modules we teach in the online Quran learning course which we will provide to you online.

What Qualifications Do Quraniah’s Tutors Have To Teach The Quran?

Quraniah tutors have decades of experience teaching Quran online and in person. They hold Ijazah certificates and degrees from prestigious Islamic universities including the Jamia Islamia Al Madinah al Munawwarah. We guarantee that you will study under the guidance of highly qualified Islamic tutors.

Do I Need To Maintain A Minimum Attendance For Online Quran Learning Classes?

Yes. You will need to attend most of the classes (75%) for this course. We have these restrictions to ensure you can truly benefit from our course content and value is added to your life when you leave it. We also award a completion certificate at the end of the online Quran learning so make sure you attend the classes regularly to qualify for graduation.

What Platform Do You Use For Classes?

We offer classes via Zoom. You can view the screen of the tutor and communicate as well. All the recitation practice sessions and tests are conducted over Zoom as well. You don’t need to create an account anywhere else.

Will I Learn One On One With The Quran Tutor Or In A Group?

The lessons and online classes are held one-on-one with the tutor. The tests and practical sessions are one on one as well.

Who Should Enrol In Learn To Read Quran Classes?

Anyone who wants to learn the Quran should enrol in our Quran classes. Your kids as young as 4 years old can also participate. You can even join if you already have a basic understanding of how to read the Quran, we will evaluate your level and begin classes according to it.

How Much Of The Quran Will My Teacher Cover In This Course?

It depends on your pace and the number of classes you have each week. The focus is to teach the rules and method of reading the Quran and getting comfortable with reciting on your own. Because once you learn how to read you can continue on your own.

I Have Already Covered The Noorani Qaida. Will I Have To Repeat It?

No, if you are a beginner then we will start learning to read the Quran with basic Arabic. But if you are somewhat of an advanced reader then you will begin from where our tutors believe you need to start from.

What Makes Quraniah’s Quran Recitation Course Better Than Others?

Our classes are engaging and interactive so learners are not easily distracted. We teach using audio-visual lectures and conduct quality assessments throughout the module. You can choose your tutor based on their profiles and change teachers in case there is a need. Scroll to the top to read about some more reasons.

Will I Also Learn Tajweed In This Course?

Yes, in our Quran course you will learn an introduction to Tajweed so that you can recite it correctly. We offer separate Tajweed courses as well for advanced learners who only need to work on their pronunciations.

Do I Have To Pass Tests To Earn My Course Completion Certificate?

Yes, our tests gauge your progress and passing them ensures that you learned the content for which you are getting the certificate. Your tutors will guide you about the tests. These determine how well you can read the Quran and if you are ready to move to the next level.

Can I Learn The Quran Online At My Own Pace With Quraniah?

Yes, Quraniah offers flexible learning options. You can choose the timing of your classes and learn at your own pace. Their platform is accessible anytime, anywhere, providing the flexibility to learn according to your schedule.

What Resources Does Quraniah Provide For Online Quran Learning?

Quraniah provides a variety of resources to enrich your Quran learning experience. These include comprehensive learning materials, interactive learning tools, and a personal learning dashboard to track your progress and plan your future learning.

How Does Learning Quran Online With Quraniah Help In Strengthening My Faith?

Quraniah’s services help deepen your understanding of Islam as you learn the Quran online. Their curriculum encourages applying Quranic teachings in daily life. Plus, being part of Quraniah’s online community offers opportunities for inspiration and mutual encouragement in faith.

Is Quraniah Suitable For Beginners Wanting To Learn The Quran Online?

Absolutely, Quraniah's online Quran learning program is designed to cater to students of all levels, including beginners. Their step-by-step approach to teaching makes it easier to grasp each concept, regardless of your current level of knowledge.

Can Quraniah's Online Services Cater To Children Learning The Quran?

Yes, Quraniah's online Quran learning services are suitable for both adults and children. Their user-friendly interface and interactive learning tools make the learning process engaging and manageable for learners of all ages.